Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Week by week

I think we're surviving, but sometimes I'm not so sure.

Jeff and I had our 4th Wedding Anniversary, but it was our 10th Anniversary of meeting each other! These are the beautiful flowers he came home with...


kara said...

Nora keeps calling her Margo...and I say, "Nooo, that's Baby Molly!" We both love the pics, though. She's a beauty. Congrats! If you're like us, our breaking point was week 5/6...then it started getting better. Hang in there! And Happy Anniversary!

kara said...

Nora keeps calling her Margo...and I say, "Nooo, that's Baby Molly!" We both love the pics, though. She's a beauty. Congrats! If you're like us, our breaking point was week 5/6...then it started getting better. Hang in there! And Happy Anniversary!