Sunday, October 12, 2008


We went to Williamsburg, VA in early September to visit Kim and her family, and Johnny fell madly, deeply in love with Brooke. You can see understand, as she's quite the blond bombshell!

Brother and Sister

They just kill me sometimes. I hope they stay this amused with each other.

Crayola Factory

He's just too cute for words sometimes!

Our Family

Johnny needed a family picture for school, and we dont' really have any, since one of us is typically taking the pictures. So our neighbor stopped by and we made him shoot it. You can see his reflection in the front door.

Random pictures

Johnny was enjoying feeding Molly the other night

apple picking

I know, I know. It's been a looooong time since I've updated. I'll try to put up as many as I can, before a child yells for me.

we went apple picking yesterday in Warwick, and it was just perfect and so much fun.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

BIggest Head EVER

But isn't it the most beautiful?

Sunday, July 06, 2008


Molly was sleeping on the couch (actually, she was sleeping in my arms, and I put her down so I could get my shoes on so we could go to dinner) and Johnny climbed up next to her and put his favorite blanket on her, and rubbed her belly.


Bigger and Blonder

That's Molly!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Simply perfection

I just think she is amazingly perfect. Just so perfect.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Singing? There will be no singing.

Johnny had a Spring Show today at school, and we were so excited for it. I was pretty much in tears waiting for all the kids to come into the room! And Johnny sings songs all the time at home, and loves it.

Well, he ain't into singing in public. He spent the majority of the show buried into Jeff's shirt. Later, when Jeff asked him why he didn't want to sing today, he said, "I tired." And that's just fine. It was still beautiful.

Here's my chubby cheeked little princess. She'll be 2 and a half months old on Father's Day. Wow!

And I know I shouldn't have used the flash for this shot, but look at the color of her eyes!

Monday, June 02, 2008


I'm not sure I could top this picture...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Some fun

So we're well into our 7th week, and I may just be getting the hang of things! I'm not so overwhelmed as I was. I can get us out of the house reasonably well. Today was the first Friday (Johnny is home from school on Fridays) that I didn't face with a knot in my stomach - we had such a great day! I put Molly in the carrier and Johnny in the wagon and went for a nice walk around 9am, then Johnny and I played with bubbles in the tree house, then we had snack time, then Molly ate, then we watched some Dora, and then we all took a drive to a fun park, and I strapped Molly back in and Johnny got to climb around and have fun. Then he fell asleep in the car, I put him down for a nap, Molly woke up and ate, we played, and then I got her down for a nap.

This is all going too smoothly, isn't it?

I even got to clean a bathroom, run the dishes, and do a load of laundry. Yes, I am Super Woman, thank you.