Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Look at his new swing! He loved it, obviously!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Labor Day

Here's a great shot of Johnny using his new walker that he got for his birthday. He's not a fan of walking yet - he'll do it a bit with this toy and will walk if you hold his hand, and walk around holding on to the couch, but that's about it. Everyone keeps telling us how much things will change once he figures it out, so we're not pushing it too hard.

I took Johnny to his Nana's apt and he had a great time playing in front of the tv and taking these tin cans off the ledge, then putting them back on, then taking them off, then putting them back on, etc.

Then on Monday we went to Allen and Lynda's for burgers and hot dogs.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Happy Birthday!!

Where the hell did a year go? How is he already 1? One of our friends (and father of 3) said, "The days are long, the years are short" which I can't stop repeating that in my head. Here are pictures from last Saturday, August 26th, Johnny's first birthday.
(note: I need a new camera, so many of these shots suck. Once I finish paying off this crazy party, I'll invest in a camera that costs more than $5)